One day, a friend came to my mind. We have not been in contact for so long so I emailed her and just thanked her for being there for me when I needed support the most. I sent it to her work address. Minutes after, the email bounced back. I realized she must have left her place of work. Where was she? Since she was quite prominent in her field of practice, I searched her name in google and found out she had moved to another work. I remembered I still had her cellphone number so I called and left a voicemail. I also sent the message I originally planned to send to her email. Hours later, she called and told me she needed those encouraging words more than ever because it was her second day at her new work. We caught up and exchange stories of how the Lord had moved strangely in our lives and in all the trials and sufferings, He remained and gave us peace and joy. I realized it was the gift of understanding at work when I learned to interpret what it meant when her face flashed in my mind. And by reading the signs, I was led to her to bear God’s message of comfort and assurance.
PRAYER: Lord, help us learn to interpret the signs You send us each day. When things reverberate or come out of the blue and it seem to tell us something, may we ask for the gift of understanding to learn to interpret the signs, to ask You directly, “What does this mean, Lord? Holy Spirit, please interpret and show me the meaning.”
I marvel at God’s way of manifesting His wisdom and revelation.
Our family was beset with two hard choices and this morning my husband had to make the crucial decision. And still had his misgivings about his choice. We have come to know that God manifests His will in the present moment through signs and revelation. But one needs to be on the look out for it. |